Creative Coding: Visual Experiments & Information Pipeline

an ongoing coding and research seminar

read data from text string

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  var cx = 5, cy = 5;

  $('#generate').on('click', function(){

    var data = $('#data').val();

    var data_array = data.split('\n');

    // what's the max length
    var longest_columns = data_array.reduce( 
    // reduce = take a pair of values from the array,
    // they will both be replaced by the returned value
    // hence progressively reducing the size of the array, one value at a time
        function (a, b) {
            // if a.length > b.length return a, else return b
            return a.length > b.length ? a : b;

    $(data_array).each(function(index, element){
      var text_padding = '0'.repeat( longest_columns - data_array[index].length );
      data_array[index] = data_array[index] + text_padding;

    // how many lines
    var lines_number = (data.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; // +1 to account for the last line

    var units_x = longest_columns;
    var units_y = lines_number;
    var character = 0;
    var end_of_line_data = 0;

    for (row_u = 0; row_u < units_y; row_u++) {
      end_of_line_data = 0;

      for (col_u = 0; col_u < units_x; col_u++) {


        var single_square = $('<div>')
            .css({'top':(row_u*30), 'left':(col_u*30)});



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Author: Jerome Rigaud