Creative Coding: Visual Experiments & Information Pipeline

an ongoing coding and research seminar


resources [md]
patterns [PAGE]
creative_coding_archive [md]
generate_maze [md]


Visual Experiments

001 Draw a parametric box with loops on X,Y (SVG) [info view zip git]
002 Draw letterforms using circles; export/save SVG file (SVG) [info view zip git]
003 Draw a circle line by line (SVG) [info view zip git]
005 Drawing line by line with a repeated colour palette on HTML Canvas; adapted from 003. (Canvas) [info view zip git]
006 No animation: the image is calculated and displayed in one go. Adapted from 005. (Canvas) [info view zip git]
010 Reactive mouse hover Trim logotyype (Canvas) [info view zip git]
012 Random lines in columns (SVG) [info view zip git]
013 Random lines in columns, variation (SVG) [info view zip git]
014 Random lines in columns, animated (SVG) [info view zip git]
022 Drawing a faded rectangle, then drawing the same shape but moving the top-right point 10px to the right—over and over (SVG, loop) [info view zip git]
024 drawing: hover: css changes (colours, rotation) (SVG, CSS) [info view zip git]
025 basic div ABC typeface (HTML intro) [info view zip git]
026 basic div chess board (HTML intro) [info view zip git]
027 ground ui work for a pixel drawing tool (jQuery, HTML) [info view zip git]
029 Simpler version of 027; introducing loops and variables (HTML, jQuery, CSS) [info view zip git]
029b (HTML + jQuery + CSS) simpler version of 027; introducing loops and variables [info view zip git]
030 simple SVG shapes with basic coordinates (SVG) [info view zip git]
031 simple SVG shapes with basic coordinates (SVG) [info view zip git]
032 Copy image to new image (lower resolution), then parse pixels colors from images and create svg (jquery, canvas, svg) [info view zip git]
033 keyboard input, basic template [info view zip git]
034 move a square within a parametric grid [info view zip git]
035 read data from text string [info view zip git]
036 move a square within a parametric grid: keyboard and mouse interactions; draw with pixel, brushes, lines [info view zip git]
037 Glitch: draw a line over an image usign the clicked pixel colour [info view zip git]
038 Gradients generator with steps and colour palette. [info view zip git]
039 Copy current frame from a video into a canvas, every 1/30th of a sec (works in Chrome and Firefox, due to source file format) [info view zip git]
040 Glitch: draw a line over an image usign the clicked pixel colour [info view zip git]
041 Slitscan a video; extension of 039. Copy 20 pixels wide vertical band from a video every XXth seconds and paste it next to previous vertical bands in a Canvas image. [info view zip git]
042 Copy current frame from a video into a canvas, every 1/30th of a sec (works in Chrome and Firefox, due to source file format) [info view zip git]
043_clui # Creative Coding / Visual Experiments [info view zip git]
053 Exploring dithering: batch convert images (image magic) [info view zip git]
055 sliced images animations/transitions [info view zip git]
056 Interface to control css values [info view zip git]

Information Pipeline

050 A prototype tool for a story generator/writer. [info view zip git]
052 # Simple logging app [info zip git]
054 macOS automatic screenshots from the command line [info zip git]
057 a CLI time/task tracker [info zip git]
058 a simple software to write and think [info view zip git]
51_kanban a prototype for a bare/basic Kanban system using the Finder's folders and simple Applescript [info view zip git]

Simpler Tools

060 Grab tabs urls in Safari from Alfred into the clipboard [info zip git]
061 a basic visual code editor: insert dom object via keyboard [info view zip git]

Repository for this website (assemble, build, deploy):
Main website:
Author: Jerome Rigaud