Creative Coding: Visual Experiments & Information Pipeline

an ongoing coding and research seminar

A prototype tool for a story generator/writer. It works like for text based games and explore the notion of a self replicating tool that is also the product. A bit like a reprap but for narrations.

View the experiment
Git repository

?><!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">

  <style type="text/css">
    body {
      margin: 0;
      padding:  0;
      /*overflow:  hidden;*/

    choice.link_interface {
      background-color:  yellow;
      padding:  3px;
      color:  black;
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      border:  1px solid black;

    card text {
      font-family: serif;
      font-size: 40px;
    card choice {
      display:  block;
      color:  blue;
    card choice:hover {
      display:  block;
      color:  blue;
      text-decoration:  underline;
      cursor: pointer;

    text {
      display:  block;

    controls {
      position:  fixed;
      top:  0;
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      padding:  5px;
      border:  1px solid black;
      width:  250px;
      text-align:  right;
      background-color:  yellow;

    textarea.content_export {
      width:  90vw;
      height:  90vh;
      margin:  5vh 5vw 5vh 5vw;

    <!-- <button action='minimise'>-</button><br> -->
    <button action='save'>Save</button><br>
    <!-- <button action='new'>New</button><br> -->

    <card location_name="1" source="[]">
      <text timeout="">
        C'est un bon début: plusieurs directions s'ouvrent à toi! L'univers t'encourage donc à explorer; tu penses que
      <choice destination="2">Oui, c'est une bonne chose.<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
      <choice destination="3">Non, c'est terrifiant.<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
    <button role="edit_content">Edit content</button></card>

    <card location_name="2" source="[ID.choice, ID.choice, ID.choice]">
      <text timeout="">
        Clairement, la situation est la suivante.
        Tu peux aller:
      <choice destination="1">à droite<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
      <choice destination="1">en haut<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
      <choice destination="1">en bas<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
      <choice destination="1">à gauche<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
      <choice destination="3">nulle part<button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
    <button role="edit_content">Edit content</button></card>

    <card location_name="3" source="[ID.choice, ID.choice, ID.choice]">
      <text timeout="">
  Comme c'est dommage.
      <choice destination="2">À bien y reflechir… <button class="small_edit link_interface">Edit</button></choice>
    <button role="edit_content">Edit content</button></card>

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<script type="text/javascript" src='./app.js'></script> -->

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<script type="text/javascript">

Repository for this website (assemble, build, deploy):
Main website:
Author: Jerome Rigaud